Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Four - A day of bus rides and new friends.

Today was a pretty awesome day!  I had the chance to go and see the city a bit.  One of the young people that I will be working with and a friend of his took me to the Centro Commercial, basically a big mall, and we got to walk around and see a bunch of the different stores that they had.  This was probably the BIGGEST mall I have ever seen!  It was 5 stories high and was two buildings, Buenva Vista 1 and Buena Vista 2, they were connected by a pretty sweet walk way on the third floor.  I was quite impressed!

I had a great time getting to know Carlos and Gabriel.  They are two very awesome guys!  I am really looking forward to getting to know them and hanging out with them in the future!

Afterwards, we went to the church so that Carlos could practice for the worship band.  It was so awesome being able to watch them practice!  Wow!  There are some incredibly talented singers, drummers, and guitar players in this church!  It was also nice to get a feel for the music before the church service as well :) They even emailed me the songs so that I could look over them and get familiar with them.  Oh how I have missed Spanish worship songs!  Lol.

There is a lady in the church who is an English teacher.  She is an incredible lady and I have really enjoyed getting to know her!  It has also been awesome having someone who speaking English to talk to and to help me communicate with people better and to correct me.  However, I realized today that when she speaks in Spanish I can not understand her at all.  I couldn't figure it out because she speaks Spanish very well and doesn't have a thick accent at all (she will always speak to me in Spanish first because she says it is very important [and it for sure is!] that I learn Spanish!  But when I have problems or need help she will switch to English).  So, today I realized it is just because I am incredibly lazy and when I see her I am able to just switch off the Spanish and go straight to English and when she talks to me my brain just automatically does that.  ... even when she says '¿como se va?' which means, 'how's it going?'  Whoopsies.

1 comment:

  1. Aaah, Scott I'm so glad to see that you're blogging! I've added you to my list on mine. <3
    I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
