Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 140 - Free Lunch and Internet

So the internet has become a precious commodity (I may or may not refer to it as 'my precious' at times) because I have been without it for such a long time!  I very rarely get to use it and when I do I have to walk about 7 blocks to the local mall here (Centro Comercial Americano - I love that to make things sound fancier they are often named "Americano") to sit and troll on their unprotected wifi.  Anyway, I usually sit up in the food court area and read the hilarity on and then check up on e-mails and facebook and connect and waste time.  There have been many times when I think of something that I want to look up but then I can't because I don't have internet and then I will think "Oh right, I don't have the internet.  I guess I will just have to look it up on wikipedia... shoot... that is on the internet."  Then I realize how addicted I am.

So, I have been living at the church building because my housing has yet to work out.  So that has been interesting.  Already living there are a couple and their 2 1/2 year old adorable daughter.  So that has been fun and interesting.  I am very very ready to have my own place and not feel like I am intruding for once and to just feel completely and 100% at home.  That is where my apartment comes in!  Oh I can't wait!  Today, I went on a little trek (which I will talk more about in a second) early early in the morning and then when I got back everyone was gone!  So, I took advantage of the fact and played some music really loud and was pulling a dance chore party.  I got a little cleaning done while listening to the music haha.  It was a lot of fun to just be a little ridiculous and not have to worry about bothering anyone.

There is a gentleman from Illinois visiting right now.  He is in the area talking about his experience with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) which is a Mennonite organization that I think is just incredible.  He has worked for CPT for 7 years and then for the last 3 years he has been traveling around off and on telling people in The States, Canada, and Colombia about the work that they do with CPT.  There are teams in Palestine, Iraq, and Colombia.  In Colombia they work with farmers and "get in the way" when paramilitary or guerilla teams try to come and force them off their land.  They stand in between the intruders and the farmers and try to start a dialogue with them.  Sometimes the people listen.  Sometimes they don't.  Sometimes they leave and other times they don't.  However, many people's lives have been saved because of these CPTers who are risking their lives to make these guerillas and paramilitary groups think about what they are doing before they do it.  If you are at all interesting in hearing more about what they do their website is It really is an incredible ministry.

So!  A date has been set for me to move into my apartment!  I am super pumped!  I am beyond ready for this!  June 1st that baby is ALL mine!  That will be one week from today!  When did June 1st become one week from today?  WOW time has really flown by and I have been here for almost 5 months now.  Wow...  Anyway.  I am excited.  I will have internet at my disposal, food in my fridge, a shower that works, and being able to play music without being worried about disturbing anyone!  Woot!

OH!  So, while I was sitting on the internet in the food court today a friends father, who I have only meet once, came up to me and said hello!  It was really fun and random (not so random after I found out he works at the school right next to the mall haha).  Then he came over with lunch and he had bought me lunch and we ate together and it was hilarious and awesome!  When I said that he didn't have to that he said "nonsense!  When one Colombian is eating everyone with them has to be eating!"  Haha.  Nice guy

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