Tuesday, June 25, 2013

537 - Symbolism

I mentioned in my previous post I mentioned that I ran a 10k.  It was the first one that I've ever run and I was actually a little nervous, if I can be honest.

But, one of my favorite things is finding symbolism in situations, and being able to connect stories to real life, so I just want to quickly elaborate on a few things that I found while running this race.

Waiting in line I was sitting there thinking...

I had not prepared for this race like I should have.  I used to run.  I used to have good endurance.  But I haven't run in... probably a month and a half... maybe two months.

But, I had committed, I paid the 15 dollars, I had the shirt, I made my playlist...

Let's do this.

So, I started out and had a nice stride, I kept up with my friend, an avid runner, for about a mile and a half, maybe 2 miles!  That made me feel nice!  But then we got separated *cough* I had to walk *cough* so I was all alone.

The thing about Barranquilla is... even at 7:00 in the morning... it's hot, it's humid, and I sweat at LEAST 60% of that track was up hill.  Maybe that isn't correct, or possible, but that's what it felt like.  It was a solid 35-40% uphill if we're being realistic.

Anyway, as I was about halfway through the race I saw this

 "Power is overcoming your limits"

I saw that and I had to take a picture.  It's true.  Sometimes there are hardships, sometimes things are rough, but having real power... being able to do and accomplish something means overcoming your limits!

When I passed the 9th K on the side of the track I thought... It's so close!  I'm almost done!  But, that 10th K was still too far away for comfort.

With only about half a kilometer left I had a new found energy.  I was hot and sweaty, I was tired, my running shoes were more shot than I thought they were and because of that I was developing a blister.  But darn it... I could see that finish line and I was going to cross it even if I was out of breath looking like a hot mess for the video camera at the end.

For the last half a the some of the people who had already finished were cheering for the people coming up behind them on the track, people were yelling out "go go go!"  "You can do it!"  "You're so close!" "Don't give up!"  It so was encouraging!  

So, with sweat dripping down my face, and my right foot hating me a little bit, I took off running even faster.  I finished that race and I kicked it's butt.  It's probably not going to be my best road race, but it was my first.  I ran the best that I could, and I enjoyed it, even though it was hard.  Even though I wanted to give up (Exercise and I are not friends)... I was done.

This is a pretty accurate showing of how I felt (only on the inside)

This is more accurate for the outside ^^

So... the symbolism.

I've been described as Peter the disciple.  I love to lead people.  I get excited about new opportunities and adventures, I love to help and all you have to do is ask me and I'm THERE!  If I see you walking on that water I will jump out of the boat and join you.

But... then there's that sudden realization of... what was I thinking?!

Did I just tell someone that I would go and live in another country for TWO YEARS?!

So, back to right before that timer sounded... I was excited about the idea, but when I realized that I had to actually RUN that 10k... all I could think was, how did I get myself into this?!

Things started out great, it was hot and sticky and it took a lot of work, but it was great.

Then the up hill.  I'll admit that my time here has seemed like more uphill than downhill.  I'll admit that it's been hot and sticky and I've just wanted to give up, or jump the median and go to the other half of the route... but I am also quite stubborn.

Now, I can see the finish line.  I have a new found strength and excitement.  I'm a little bruised and sore, I'm tired, I'm hot and sweaty.  But I'm encouraged.  I'm uplifted because of my experience.  I'm inspired because of what I've seen, I feel like a new person.  I've changed.

With only 3 months left that finish line is there.  It's going to be scary crossing it and entering into a new chapter and leaving this one behind!  But I have more energy, I have people yelling "go go go"  "you can do it!" guiding me on this last leg of my race.

God is good.

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