Monday, May 6, 2013

487 - A Big 'Ol Update

Well... this blog update is LONG overdue.

It's times like this that I don't even know where to start.  I would like to share everything that I've done with you guys, but I know that would turn into a novel, and that wouldn't be fun.

Today, I find myself at the home of some good friends.  I think that I've mentioned before my two good friends from the States that I met on an ex-pat website.  They've been allowing me to do my laundry here!  I really enjoy that, because not only do I get clean laundry, but, I also am able to spend some time outside of my apartment and that makes me feel more motivated to actually get things done!  It's also nice to be able to hang out with them, even though they are working.

The last place that we left off, it was November and I was anticipating going home!

Well... I can just let you know that home was GREAT!  I had such a good time, I was able to see family, friends, stand up for on of my very best friends in his wedding, visit a church that is supporting me, and so many other things!  I was home for a whole month, and it was just what I needed.

Upon returning to Barranquilla, I was rested and rejuvenated and ready to start my second, year here in Barranquilla, Colombia.

One of the first things that happened after getting back to Barranquilla, was a visit from Mennonite Mission Network's worker care people.  Their visit was so wonderful!  We spent time going around the city, and visiting new, and familiar, places.  They shared their experiences, and I shared mine!  I loved just sitting and talking with them, it was so wonderful.  It wasn't long through the Mennonite game, that we realized that we did in fact have some connections.  Wayne was my great-granparents' (on my father's mother's side) pastor, and the man that performed my great-grandfather's funeral (as his first funeral performed).  After my great-grandfather got very sick, Wayne was one of the few people that he trusted to help him out.  He and Lois shared many stories about their time with my great-grandparents, and also my grandparents, and that time was very very special to me!

While they were here, we were able to attend one of the famous Barranquilla Carnaval parades!  Carnaval is a HUGE deal here in Barranquilla, it is their claim to fame!  It is the second largest cultural carnival (second only to the one in Rio) in the world!  I do have to admit that the parades were incredible!  The festivities began the first week of the new year and then lasted until the second weekend in February, which is when the actual Carnival part is.  The Carnival really is a huge cultural part of life in Barranquilla, so I am glad that I was able to experience it, even if it was only two parades.  It was also a wonderful experience to be able to have some shared experiences with some fellow MMN workers :)

I think that will be all for now, I'll plan on updating either tomorrow or Wednesday with some more of my activities since January!  I don't want to bore you all with too much information all at once. :)

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