Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 86 - A Day of New Discoveries and Movies

I got the chance to go and visit one of the churches in the south today, Getsemani.  It was such a great experience.  It was so nice to be able to see the many places that God is working in the city of Barranquilla.  I also got a chance to try some Holy Week sweets that apparently everyone makes around here!  I didn't get a chance to take a picture... but they were delicious!!

Afterwards a friend brought me back to the apartment and we decided to run to Exito and grab some last minute things, I am going with the Getsemani youth/young adults to a camp over the next three days.  I am pretty excited.

While we were there my friend kept mentioning how she had been to this Exito/shopping center before a couple years ago and mentioned the movie theater.  I thought to myself, haha, that is funny friend.  There is no movie theater in here.  I have walked around this shopping center place aimlessly many times.  Apparently because I didn't want to check out the electronic center I missed the FOOD COURT and the MOVIE THEATER!!!  It felt like walking from the wardrobe filled with fur coats into Narnia.  My mind was blown.  I have been living here for 3 months now.  I visit that Exito at least twice a week if not more, especially while I am bored.  Never, have I ever seen this extra piece of the building.  Well... now I know.  I guess that goes to show that sometimes, just under the surface, there is something awesome waiting for you!

So, in light of this new discovery I decided to treat myself to a movie that I have been wanting to see.  I went and saw the Hunger Games!!  Oh was it GOOD!  I was a little disappointed because I thought that like in Puerto Rico, it would be in English and subtitled in Spanish.  Well... nope!  Pure Spanish.  I was pleasantly surprised however, through reading the book and my rockin' awesome Spanish skills I understood everything!!  There were two conversations that I was confused in but they were short and not important for the plot.  I was pretty pumped though!  I loved reading the books so I am excited to relive everything in the movies!  I can't wait for the next one!

I also splurged and got a big popcorn, which I may or may not have eaten all of... and a grape soda, it was spectacular!

I am happy that I now know what my spare time will be spent doing!  Also, who doesn't love some good food court food.  This may not have been the best discovery...

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