Tuesday, July 3, 2012

179 - Fruit Juice!

One of my favorite things here in Colombia is the FRUIT!  There is fruit everywhere!  There are so many different types of fruits that I have never heard of and will probably never see again!

BUT!  My all time favorite is maracuyá!  Oh my goodness is it delicious!  It is a really strange looking acidic and sour fruit but... oh so yummy.  Let me show you how to prepare it.

This is maracuyá (passion fruit).  It really doesn't look like anything special.  From what I understand you are even supposed to pick out the ugliest ones that you can find because they will generally have the most juice.

Then you cut that baby open and find the magic that is inside!  The seeds are covered by the fruit which is a little unfortunate but that doesn't stop me from turning it into the yummiest juciest juice ever!

You just take a spoon and scoop it out!  It comes right out.  It is so weird!  It has little finger like things inside that hold some of the fruit in place.

Then you blend it, add some water and sugar (I like to do half honey and half sugar to make it a little healthier) and then strain out the seeds...

Then enjoy the little piece of heavenly nectar from the gods that is jugo de maracuyá...

It is really REALLY good if it is made with milk but I was too scared to try and make it with milk.  Maybe next time!


  1. If it's sour and acidic wouldn't the milk curdle?

  2. You would think so. But there is some way to make it that the milk doesn't curdle. I think that you make it with like half water half milk or something like that. That is why I was too scared to do it :P One day. I have bought it like that in a restaurant before and it is DELICIOUS!!!
